How To Sell Midjourney Prompts (in 2024)

Your guide to the ultimate marketplaces to watch. 

5 MIN READ | DEC 21, 2023

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Quisque diam ligula, porttitor sed augue quis, tincidunt pharetra sapien. Donec porta vel orci vitae rhoncus.

What is a Midjourney Prompt? 

If you want to find the best keywords for SEO, you will have to follow these steps:

1. Do A Keyword Research To Find A List Of Keywords

Keywords are search engine queries that govern the content on your website. The purpose of a keyword on your website is to be the first point of call whenever an internet user searches for it.

2. Focus On Keywords With Solid Traffic Potential

The essence of ranking for a keyword is to attract a reasonable amount of traffic to your website. Hence, there is no point in working with keywords that do not have this attribute.

To find out what are the keywords with a high traffic potential, you have to know what people are searching for, and you can do this using Google’s Keyword Planner or Ahref’s Keyword research tool.

Common Questions: 

Sevenstyles+ is a service that provides unlimited downloads to our top products at an outstanding value.
No. The availability of items is decided by the brand. Some brands choose to add their entire library and some specific items.
If you are looking for a specific item, please be sure that the item is available on Sevenstyles+ before subscribing.
As a paid member, you can use products that participate in Sevenstyles+ in as many projects as you’d like. If paid membership is cancelled, you can no longer use your downloaded assets in new projects.
Yes. You are free to download and use in any project – personal or commercial – without attribution.
Please remember though:
  • the membership is for a single user. You are not allowed to share accounts.
  • no automated downloading.
Sevenstyles+ does not provide direct support for items available through Sevenstyles+. All support for items on Sevenstyles+ must come from the original brand, which can be found on their profile page.
Yes. Just disable the subscription in your settings. All projects created and published during an active subscription are cleared. Any new projects will require an active subscription.