Sketch Pro

Thomas Kovar ·
299 sales

Create a Sketch Animation, no art skills required.

Sketch Pro allows you to easily create an organic sketch drawing from your images, logos, or photos. Bring your results to the next level with our unique hand-drawn time-lapse-reveal to capture your audience’s attention.

To create a sketch drawing using Sketch Pro, simply add your jpg, png or another image format, and select the subject and focal areas.

If you’d like to create a time-lapse effect, bring your results to the next level by animating the reveal. Select up to 5 areas for the effect to hand-sketch the results on and render out your results.

Features of Sketch Pro

  • Control the sketch drawing realism using a simple slider.  A lower value creates an abstract result, a higher value creates a detailed, realistic result.
  • Customizable dimensions up to 4K (Pro version only)
  • Create a sketch drawing time-lapse of the results by selecting the areas you want to be revealed.


How to Use of Sketch Pro

  • Select your photo, image or logo. Video freeze-frames and screenshots work great, too.
  • Set the dimensions. Choose from presets or custom values (up to 3840×2160).
  • Select the Pen tool and create a shape that you want for the main subject. Repeat for any focal areas.
  • Customize your results using over 100+ customizable parameters.
  • If you’d like to animate the results, select up to 5 areas to reveal, as well as the randomness or direction. Render.

Contact us for any questions or suggestions: [email protected].

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