300 Transitions (for Final Cut)

Trendy transitions pack for Final Cut X and Apple Motion

An exclusive library of transitions for Final Cut Pro X and Apple Motion. The Final Cut Transitions package contains more than 300 transitions and elements that can help speed up your editing process. A lot of design elements – smoke, brush, electric, and other cool trendy elements for Final Cut. Handy transitions – zoom, liquid, light leaks, etc. Just a few steps to apply any transitions to your project.


  • Supported 1080p and 4K resolution.
  • 300 Seamless Transitions and Elements
  • Easy for beginners – Drag & Drop Method
  • No holders needed – presets work through adjustment layers
  • Doesn’t require advanced skills in Final Cut
  • Sound Effects are included!

The price includes

  • Transitions Package
  • Online Support
  • Video Tutorial
  • Free Future Updates
30-day money-back guarantee